“Basically we don’t have a singer so we use the DJ as the singer and just interpret around him. When we’re performing, we are essentially deconstructing a track and reassembling it in real time. Like at tonight’s show, we took an MGMT track and threw a Dilla flavor on it. A lot of times we also take folksy-rock things like Feist and put a UK funky feel on it. We re-interpret tracks live onstage. The people who come to see us expect it. They know that we’re just going to freak any track we work with. But there are no expectations on what the content will be because we’re so varied.” – Matisse
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If you’re like me than I don’t expect you to believe it when you hear people describe Keys N Krates as the “ultimate live-remixing experience”, but you’ll soon know why they do. Hailing from Toronto, the band combines live-instrumentation, turntablism and live sampling to not only reinterpret but also reinvent existing music of all genres right before your very eyes. With the remix culture these days being dominated by artists behind laptops, Keys N Krates are changing the game by bringing a refreshing live, hands-on approach, to the burgeoning scene of remixing. With the hard-hitting Adam Tune on the drums, World Champion DJ Jr-Flo behind the turntables, and the ever-soulful Matisse on keys, this Canadian trio is single handedly “Re-Inventing the Remix.”
In early 2009 all their hard work began to pay off when the talented group were featured in URB Magazine’s “Next 100” issue, joining acts such as Passion Pit, Drake, and more. Without skipping a beat the band hit the road last year with a vengeance, playing over 150 shows nationally and internationally while also releasing an URB sponsored remix-tape and video entitled “Live Remixing 101” in the winter of 2009. Since then, they have received numerous features and write-ups from both print and online publications alike. Recently they’ve also shared the stage with artists like Kid Cudi, Steve Aoki, Questlove, and Timbaland, while continuing to tour all over the world spreading their influential remixes to the masses. In addition to the stage, Keys n Krates has also been diligently working in the studio to craft their next mix-tape along with their first studio album of original tracks. Needless to say, this is just the beginning for Keys N Krates so be sure to keep an eye out and an ear open, you’ll thank us later.
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